
Development of a fire artist

A person wishing to become a professional fire artist must go through the following 3 steps. It is not necessary to have the ambition to become a professional fire artist to participate in our activities, the majority of our members are recreational fire artists


Step 1 – Learning how to be safe

The Safety in fire arts course 101 is the very first step to take if you are interested in fire arts.


Step 2 – Train, train, train

Continuous combination of the following 3 elements:

  • Workshops without fire with mentors to learn new movements (Check GardeFeu Facebook page)
  • Practice without fire the movements in learning, it is always possible to practice without fire outside the fire zone during the fire jam evening.
  • Practice with fire the movements mastered at 100% during self training night
  • Fire breather course also starts without fire.

Here the watchword is practice, practice and more practice!


Step 3 – The professional level

 When an artist wishes to participate in shows, a permit must be obtained from the local fire department. To obtain this permit, the artist must show proof of fire insurance. More and more insurers require GardeFeu certification before issuing insurance to a fire artist.

Questions and Answers (FAQ)

Do I need to be a fire artist to participate?

No, not at all!

On the other hand, it is important to know that being an artist of fire requires certain mental and physical qualities. If you can’t move easily, can’t concentrate or act quickly, the fire arts may not be for you. When you register, you will have to accept a waiver that stipulates several conditions.

The formation Fire safety training theoretical and practical is mandatory.

No one can enter the security perimeter without having successfully completed the fire arts security training.

If this is your very first contact with fire, make sure you wear only natural fibers (cotton, wool, linen, leather), nothing synthetic.

I don’t know what discipline to choose! What’s the best?

Sometimes it is not the artist who chooses the discipline but the discipline that chooses the artist! We often have workshop without fire on site were you can manipulate to experiment and learn some move. There is no discipline better than any other, the important thing is that you feel pleasure in practicing.

If I already have my students, can I use your training area for my fire classes?

If you already have your students, we can organize an area dedicated to your group.

Don’t forget that all artists entering the area must have pass the 101 fire safety course

Photo: Hugo St-Laurent