101 Fire arts safety course

Safety first

This course covers the theoretical and practical aspects of fire arts safety and is based on the GardeFeu protocol.

This course is recognized by insurers requiring proof of fire artist competency.

This course is a prerequisite for:

  • Participate in GardeFeu's fire jam and other fire activities.
  • Obtain the Fire Artist Certification (only for professional performers who perform and need proof of successful completion of the course for their insurance carrier).

Where and when can I get the course?

The first question to ask yourself is "Are you available to do the course during GardeFeu activities according to the calendar course schedule?"

  • If the answer is no, then you'll have to go through a private instructor.
  • If you are available, then you can choose either to take the course with a private instructor or to take it during GardeFeu activities.

The same course is taught on both paths, with the same teaching materials and the same exam.

The 101 Fire Arts Safety Course is recognized by many insurers as an effective method of reducing fire arts risk. This course is offered to everyone, including artists with a problematic history in the fire arts, to give them the opportunity to learn safe practices. This 3-hour theoretical and 1-hour practical course is given in person. It includes a 15-question exam, with a passing grade of 80%.

Via GardeFeu

We offer the course on our regular evenings. Please consult the calendar for dates and locations of upcoming courses. Classes are posted on GardeFeu Facebook events. These events are created about a week in advance, and are where we post start times and cancellations in case of inclement weather.

Via an authorized private instructor

Private instructors cover a vast territory, including Toronto, Montreal, Trois-Rivières and Quebec City. These instructors have more flexible schedules, better suited to industry professionals. Rates are at the instructor's discretion, and you should contact them directly. Please note that you will need to open a GardeFeu file before your course; your instructor will be able to assist you with this.

Nova Scotia
Windsor JunctionRachael Pennyrachael@luminositycircus.ca
Nova Scotia
Windsor JunctionTaylor Thaintaylor@luminositycircus.ca
OntarioTorontoDavid Itoito_david1@hotmail.com
OntarioTorontoScalet Blackfieryscarletblack@gmail.com
Pascal Duguay Gosselinpascal3190@gmail.com
Samuel Létourneauletourneausamuel@hotmail.com
QuébecQuébecCoralie Cyr St-Pierre​​​​​​​​​​​​corail.volcanik@gmail.com
QuébecTrois-RivièresDerek Gosselininfo@lmfprops.com
QuébecTrois-RivièresMarie-Line D'étéinfo@lmfprops.com



with a
Ideal for artists who
cannot attend GardeFeu’s
$75 à $500
Per student
  • Open GardeFeu file is
    mandatory and not include
  • Theoretical course 3 hours
  • Exam
  • Availability and price vary for
    each private instructor
  • Pay directly to the private
Find a private instructor
Only for artists
taking the course with a
private instructor need this
Per student
  • Open GardeFeu file
  • Course price is not include
Buy Now

Crédit photo: Hugo St-Laurent